Combination Sofa (Fabric) (Used) #1Combination Sofa (Fabric) (Used) #2Combination Sofa (Fabric) (Used) #3Combination Sofa (Fabric) (Used) #4Combination Sofa (Fabric) (Used) #5Combination Sofa (Fabric) (Used) #6
ID Baker_3009-41F_3009-42F-SEAWEED_u3387_22101567
Manufacturer moda en casa

Combination Sofa (Fabric) (Used)

SKU 22101567
Item No. Baker Combination Sofa/Wooden Stories
Size: W224 x D102 x H70(SH40) cm
Color: SEAWEED(1340028)
Frame: MDF, solid pine, S spring / S spring + waving tape (55/56m only)
Feeling: Feather, Ball fiber, High density urethane foam
Legs: Solid oak(black paint)4 cm high

One Arm Sofa(LHF) 3009-41F
Size: W112 x D102 x H70(SH40) cm
One Arm Sofa(RHF) 3009-42F
Size: W112 x D102 x H70(SH40) cm

It is characterized by a combination of soft texture and block-shaped design.
The piping placed along the lines of the sofa makes its outline stand out, giving the voluminous design a smart impression.
List Price: ¥ 305000
Price: ¥12,800 ¥14,080 incl.Tax

* The price above is a monthly payment for the rental.
* The Delivery Fee is not included.
* Our inventories change everyday. Please add the items to the Estimation Cart and ask us for the availablility and delivery fee.
* For more information, please see the Rental Guide