Eastern King Size Mattress (1matt.) (Used) #1Eastern King Size Mattress (1matt.) (Used) #2Eastern King Size Mattress (1matt.) (Used) #3
ID Essentials-TT-EK_used_22000049
Manufacturer SEALY

Eastern King Size Mattress (1matt.) (Used)

SKU 22000049
Item No. Essentials-TT-EK
Size: W193 x L203 x H27 cm

Firmness: Regular
Technology: Posture Tech Coil
Surface fabric: Knit (Polyester 83%, Rayon 17%)
Number of cushion layers: 7
Cushion layer materials in order: Synthetic cotton, soft urethane, profile urethane, anti-bacterial non-woven soft fabric, soft urethane, urethane, new hard felt.
Edge support: New Miracle Edge
Box Sheet depth needed: 35cm
Made in Japan
1-Piece Mattress
One side use(Ventilation is good, but the front and back cannot be rotated) 

By kilting together two different layers of different firmness, it creates a luxury feel and gives volume to the mattress. The coil system is widely used in hotels and is called Posture Tech Coil, and is developed to support and be comfortable for people of different sizes and shapes.

List Price: ¥ 190000
Price: ¥11,500 ¥12,650 incl.Tax

* The price above is a monthly payment for the rental.
* The Delivery Fee is not included.
* Our inventories change everyday. Please add the items to the Estimation Cart and ask us for the availablility and delivery fee.
* For more information, please see the Rental Guide